The Jackson County Health Department focuses on protecting the community
against diseases. We offer immunizations for infants, children, adolescents, and
adults. The immunization schedules we follow are approved by the
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
We accept and bill most insurances.
If children do not have insurance coverage or the insurance does not
cover vaccines, we are a Vaccines for Children provider (VFC) and are able to
provide vaccines at no cost; however, we ask for a donation to cover the administration and cost of supplies.
If adults do not have insurance coverage or insurance does not cover vaccines, we have an Adult State program offering vaccines at no cost; however, we ask for a donation to cover the administration and cost of supplies.

Vaccination Records
The Jackson County Health Department partners with Children
and Hoosier Immunization Registry Program (CHIRP) giving us
access to vaccination records.
How can I obtain a vaccine record?
By visiting My Vax Indiana (cell phone number, email address, or PIN required)
By visiting the nursing division at our office

Testing Services
The Jackson County Health Department works with the Indiana State Department of Health on investigations of communicable diseases
(diseases that are highly contagious) and assist with referrals for treatment.
To report a communicable disease:
Please click on the link provided
Fax completed form to (317) 234-2812
To report a positive sexually transmitted infection:
Please click on the link provided
Fax completed form to Clark County Health Department: (812) 288-1474

Head Lice
Head lice is a common problem that usually affects school-age children and their family. They can attach to the hair of anyone's head. It doesn't matter if the hair is clean or dirty. Head lice infestations occur across all social, economic, and age groups. ANYONE can get head lice.
Though head lice may be a nuisance, they do not cause serious illness or carry any diseases. With the appropriate treatment and continuous monitoring, head lice can be treated easily and efficiently.

Bed Bugs